You can purchase poster of the project (B1 format) with original design of the artist for only 50 Euro (plus shipment in EU, 100 Euro with artist signature). cena w Polsce: 200 PLN + wysylka. Orders through: Leave a Comment section.,24,participatory_sculpture.html
The project was opened officially during KAAPSTADT FESTIVAL on August the 9th 2019 in TILBURG, NL;; Description and elements of the project. Materials: colored aggregates, marine plywood, net, balls. Dimensions: 1400x700x220 cm. Pitch of Colored sand is a project that binds together unique design and a popular games such volleyball or beach soccer, which are Olympic disciplines. Surface of a pitch is designed in a way to let the different patches of colored sand mix together during the games. All Rights Reserved; Adam Kalinowski 2019.
Separated colors are gradually mixing, forming new colors as it happens in distribution of a white-light spectrum. This is providing a soft process of color transition. Pitches constructed by this design could be used during a summer periods. Matches played on these pitches would gain another valor – visual but also tactile. Wide range of fractions of quartz is been used in this type of projects starting from 0.5mm up to 5 mm. Players and spectators would be a part of permanent happening cause of constant change of the pitch surface, so any of the matches would be the same. Competition itself would get playful and ludic attitudes, which will exaggerate media’s footage and possibly increase interest on a wider scale.
credit: Adam Kalinowski
Footage can be redone in time because of entropic nature of a project where new shapes and forms due to appear after every match played. Within a matter of unique design and richness of colors, viewers can draw their attention to the pitch itself and witness the whole progress in time.
Credit: Adam Kalinowski.
“In this installation, the idea is to redefine the game beyond the competitive pressure of the professional sports in their training and championships, focusing on the game as the interplay of human relations and performativity. The body’s creative interaction with the city challenges a normative function of the city’s topography, resituating the performative act in the center of everyday life”.
Denise Carvalho *
Credit: JostijnLigtvoetFotografie
Credit: JostijnLigtvoetFotografie
Credit: JostijnLigtvoetFotografie.
The notion of participation and audience here may be related historically to Fluxus and Happening movement. So Fluxus “event” which is performed in private mostly and “happening” which was more performed in public might be relevant points of reference here.
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
There is no special requirement to perform an “event” or be a part of “happening” instead of true real involvement in the process of play. The viewer easily may become a performer if he wish to.
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: JostijnLigtvoetFotografie
credit: Adam Kalinowski
Credit: JostijnLigtvoetFotografie
Credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
Some other distant reminiscence may be Hippie culture from sixties and its slogan – “Do your own thing” and even further as J. Cage stated in the context of this sentence: “doing your own thing is not enough, act in a way that nobody knows what you do in a moment”.
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
The notion of “audience” is present here on two planes; there are participants who are actively involved in the spectacle of the game and people observing the process while the event is focused into regular viewer who may easily become participant of an art event. After a while people may switch and replace each other. It carries notion of an audience as an active entity.
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski.
Another aspect of that type of public installation is a real and metaphorical impact over city landscape that truly represents right entropic attitude.
credit: Adam Kalinowski
credit: Adam Kalinowski. Impact of dynamic “endless color composition” over architecture vicinity.
Author: Adam Kalinowski, 2019.
You can purchase poster of the project (B1 format) with original design of the artist and his signature for 50 Euro (plus shipment in EU); cena w Polsce: 200 PLN + wysylka. (100 Euro with artist signature). Orders through: Leave a Comment section. *Art as an open concept” by Denise Carvalho;,20,reviews.html
You might want to see more realizations of that kind:,31,rainbow_park_2012.html,30,the_practice_of_freedom_ii_2013.html
6 thoughts on “PITCH OF COLORED SAND 2019”
Today, in Tilburg. Our son had an amazing time!
We were there yesterday evening and played volleybal for almost 2 hours! Adam was there as wel. He is a very nice guy and made a lot of pictures as well!
Then we played togethwr Wytze! It was fun! @adam, will you place some of the pictures on this site? Thanks!
sure thing; no problem;