The importance of public art depends on the role it can play for the immediate urban environment by designing new content and opportunities in
the social and cultural space of the city.The active participation of viewers is a very important aspect of public art. Here I want to
present a few projects where colored aggregates were used as  distinctive and interactive element of a project. The perception of these works is a fusion of physical, tactile, visual and iconological meanings of its elements. These projects evolve with the participants as a colorful expanse of sand which willnever come back to the starting point (entropy process) but layered sculptural elements resembling fragments of rocks or outlines of clouds can also be used for rest. I invite you to explore a variety of weights, sand, colors and patterns that may arise during your barefoot walk through the project. The rest is a matter of your imagination. The expectations of an artist or viewer-participant of the realization may concern changing the relationship between people in public space to make this relationship more open, at least for a moment. Theatricalization of public life and maintaining social masks allow for trouble-free functioning in an individualistic society, especially in the city space. An interactive work of art can
lift these rules for a moment. For example, particles of colored aggregate can become the material for social creativity, which in the form of a large-scale, colorful composition will focus the participants of the game.
It will enable unrestricted play with form and color, which translates into the quality of the temporary community created by its participants.
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